Monday, July 13, 2009


this is a response to raindancers post,
im not sure if you even read this, but whateves:

love is a sensation.
its when that person comes to mind and you dont even notice.
when every love song reminds you of them.
when you touch, its not a 'spark', but comfort to know theyre there.

love is a fact.
when conversation flows easily, about anything, and you beleive it always does.
when you take time out of a busy day to see them, because you want to.
its when you can see a future with them, and youre happy to do so.

love is an instinct.
its when the answer to everything comes from the heart- even though you may not have any idea why you said it.
when theyre always on your mind, but not overwhelmingly so.
when you seize the day, and see them at every oppertunity possible.

love is indescribable.
when you talk for hours about nothing, but have the best time.
when youre bawling your eyes out, but he manages to make things better.
its when you see the light in the darkness.

love is selfless.
its when you want the best for them, no matter what it means to you.
when you tell whoever wants to know- but of course, the details are yours only, not everybody wants to hear about it.
when you will do whatever it takes to make them happy.

love is... friendship, to the next level.


  1. see but what if you feel all of that and yet... you don't think you are ready?

  2. love has the ability to wait.

